In the Interim

um, enter ’em?

Hi. It’s me again.

I don’t really have time for this—what with planning a majorly earth-shattering assassination attempt and all [I hope you can correctly identify the monster to whom which I’m referring]—but quite clearly I’m a TNT fan, so here I am.

[You with me? It’s not a man.]

Names won’t be named, but I’ve been asked to write my own opinion piece as a sort of followup to my lovely companion’s scathing assessment of the current U.S. administration. Okay. Why not? Let this very relatively short entry serve as my compliance.

Sight of the middle ground, now lost, may once again be found, but not without courage.

Here’s my take.

The forty-fifth President’s limited vocabulary starkly contrasts with all the time he spends blurting words.

Make no mistake: there are clowns on the other side as well.

Reciprocal, retaliatory, radical polarization further cements political division.

In general, politicians are inept, ill-informed puppets, and policies are dictated by the most powerful members on each side. They aren’t concerned with your betterment; they are worried about keeping their seats.

The average American is being manipulated by neither one side nor the other, but rather, by both.

That’s pretty much my long and short version.

I have bigger fish to fry, and there’s a very good chance that soon I’m going to die.


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