In Thickness and in Wealth

Let’s say that this image represents a supernova, a monstrous cosmic event which demonstrates gravity’s unstoppable nature when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses in on itself en route to an ultra violent explosion resulting in the birth, among other things, of the precious metal we call gold.

Currency amounts to the blood of a nation, society, civilization—that is to say (via implicit extrapolation), resources must flow and circulate in a timely manner (in order) to promote and sustain health. Analogously by extension, hoarded riches become thick clots. Clotting portends systemic failure, advertising symptoms that may include social injustice, just for one historical and current example, which can plant eager seeds of civil unrest and stoke raging fires of political division.

Welcome to 2020!

We already know where this is going, and yet we act like we don’t. In other words, we dumb.

Treating solely the symptoms that compromise the integrity of any body, especially poorly and under predominantly ill-equipped leadership (at every level), will not cure the ailment.

This is painful{ly simple}. Simplify the problem. Know the solution.

The disease that plagues humanity is inequ(al)ity.

The virus is greed.

In other words, overall, we’re sick in the head.

We don’t have to be.

Our cure has to be wisdom, and this must be spread by enlightened people.

Currency means time.




Existence is like a ticking time bomb. Gravity imposes the same tax on all of us. We need to share the weight of our presence across the globe lest human civilization, along with our impressively diverse, positively bursting catalog of earthly creations, ultimately crumbles in a tragic comedy of pigheaded errors atop a cacophonous concert of contagiously willful ignorance.

In other words, don’t be greedy; rather, share.

That’s how we win.

In other words, it’s the only way we avoid loss.

People, we run the same race.

Life versus death.

Our variably tilted equation won’t solve itself—we have to correct the imbalance by smartly affecting the factors, by reducing waste, by redistributing power in every sense of the word.

Teamwork will be required.

Ha, in my/(y)our dreams, right?



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