{original draft: 08/08/18 | (very minor) edits: 05/05/20 & 15/10/22}
Behold the poem of poems.
TNT didn't know exactly what this meant when she wrote it erupted from her essence.
But it means everything.
It explains anything.
And it's all about nothing.
(Not designed for ingestion via a small screen, but rather through the dimensions afforded by a standard, single sheet).
Expect no one to understand the following fully...
“Electromagnetic, Physical Imperfection”
By a force like rolling thunder, fire flickers for desire, and as it turns out, the drum that barely beats forever BANGS solely to inspire. To cite the power of will that animates the living instills the gift we are born to grasp in the name of giving. Hearts crave the weight of being, but our being needs to wait. You One could find whatever we create within a sideways figure eight. Ahem! A burden, we may carry, but a light, it can be not. If alight, something is, then weigh, it may not. Being, in and of itself, stirs a notion of potion inside an ocean of motion ahead of shearing volition. At miraculous ignition of potential fruition, Luck finds Time as equal hearts assemble parts to start an existential race against {our} universal nature (here) in fundamental space. Along the way, life will fall only to spring; and still, no thing can bleed forevermore; furthermore, ever-hungering pressure tips the top of all crowns, consuming anyone’s “mind” while dragging every body down to the immortal “black hole” of both corruption and greed, granting power in circles at the apex of speed. Not a thing in actuality costs any more in totality than reckless accumulation off pockets deep in perpetuity since the first rising burst ‘fore the singular advancement toward our oft fabled afterlife. Witness spiritual science thanks to fated compliance of celestial dust in light of code essential thus. But, in order for all to amass and try again with better synergy, the essence of pure energy [any time now, folks] must end. But then starlight might weave a particular growth by the shocking polarity of gravity’s oath. Psst, we’ve always felt the pressure pervading humanity’s weight: it amounts to no thing nothing! Plus, just think, this expresses the math that actually matters— literally, it flipping makes matter —when absolutely positively nothing else does. Indeed, genesis, quite simply, must be; namely, it means the quintessential product of inevitability. A hope to tempt fate across our cosmic mentality compels Her grace to fabricate in virtuality. Throughout the heretofore unresolved mystery of existence, an ever-clever proverb camouflages in plain sight: comprehension of greed’s maintenance per gravitational insistence shall reap wisdom aplenty sewn through color-rich light. Ergo, this heavy burden that every thing intends to bear becomes a blessing for all once awareness, we share. Amidst the wealth of dark print watermarking pages in our storybook, His trailblazing design highlights a primal fission that leaks enlightening vision when and only when we bother to look. See? There must be; hence, let there be. Light from afar charges that, and this, in time, changes everything. Check, mate: soaking up Y’s stream of years while burning down X’s flood of tears, life’s ablaze along a wavelength too low for human ears. Existence fuels a sound, the beam of light that splits infinity, and we’re bound to fill the void—starting now, and for eternity. Ah, eureka. Cause, hark, please, spark, be, shine, right .
In other words, the sound of silence may be felt but not heard.
Since the sun is a machine that converts hydrogen gas into helium, it stands to reason that black holesdark orbs mirror the absolute beast which reduces and liquefies all before banishing matter to an impressive abyss where—since light refuses to venture there—everything solidifies barring ejection into a potentially endless fall.
In other words, Medusa is a real meanie.
In other words, who the hell knows?
But you do understand why things might heat up at some point while trying to achieve the impossible.
The erosive effect caused by nothing’s hopeless quest to delete itself from being gives rise to things and stuff.
Ponder the futility of striving to remove something that isn’t even there in the first place.
If no thing’s around, then nothing exists.
What exists must energize. Energy moves. Movement heats. Dominoes fall.
Existence basically maps a complex network of cyclical conversion each way.
It’s an underlying, ongoing, intensifying, everlasting, awe-inspiring process that imbues progress with the possibility to produce profound profession atop precipitous possibility. It’s kind of where we came from. It had to be. It’s why I’ve thought all my thoughts that I continue rethinking.
Every time, it fits—each time more snugly than the last.
Hydrogen pooled its resources and made helium, the source of light/heat within the omnipotent, almighty sun. Within all the stars in the universe.
In more ways than one, we really are light.
Heat, fuel, sparks, warmth, energy, fire, matter, time—stuff to take and make, loads of things to do, places to go, people to see, and finally room to breathe.
Together, we occupy space for the pulsing beat that moves chaos, a place for disorderly conduct and emotive outbursts, gathering storms over pooling resources, sure footing on cresting waves, a communal way of life, a meaningful energy, a purposeful existence, a need for speed, flavors to forget or remember, experiences to taste and waste, internal combustion, caloric intake, metabolic outtake, things to work in and push out, currency to inflate, an inspired movement, fertile creation, and the chance to hope for luck, all in brilliant living color as a new moment in time unfolds every single solitary nanosecond.
In other words, we got lit!
You’ve surely never been more alive than you are now.
The time has come to get busy living.
Hydroelectric regeneration. In other words, the genesis of hydrogen.
Life has been leaving breadcrumbs and documenting answers since the get-go.
We each belong to a certain generation.
We also all belong to a single generation.
No matter who you are, we embody, fuel, and motivate Generation Water.
We’re all on the same team.
“Gee Dubs for life,” some may {not} say.
Perhaps the thing that made us has the right stuff to save us.
We should be sourcing more energy from the surefire resource that always falls at some point in time after going up.
In other words, we should be prioritizing the penultimate molecule that keeps us from dying only just below breathable oxygen, its complementarily airborne counterpart.
There are two types of people in this world—those who fear the unknown, and those who let it excite them.
Be the type that matters.
That’s that. We’re pretty much done here for now. The time has come to start. Here it is. Right now. No, really, right. Do it now. Please? Take charge. Own yourself. Make a difference and see the ripples radiate. The other option is to sit still and watch the walls close in. If you ask me, the choice basically makes itself.
We need to share.
The reason we share is so that we can exist, and the reason we exist is so that we can share. How can that be any more obvious?
All this madness really does boil down to simple physics.
The reason we can move is so that we may need. Ready? The next step is to set. After that, we all know what to do. We’ve known all along.
We should thank our lucky stars that we still have an opportunity to change for the better.
We are lucky to be alive.
Each moment represents a special occasion.
Pressure is unavoidable, but in concert we have access to all the time and energy we need.
Make a choice.
Keep in mind that if you don’t move, we all lose.
We. Need. To move. Immediately. Let’s fucking go.
This is for all the marbles in our universe.
In other words, I don’t know what I’m talking about.
In other words, this could be, in actual fact, just maybe, for all intents and purposes, what I’ve been meaning to say.
Weirdly, I’ve managed to hear my way back in time. I mean, right? Ha! Probably only for like, a minute, or whatever. But still! Blame atomic degradation. Could the meaning of life be to remember where you came from? Oh, the poetry of that.
What if you had been born yesterday?
What if, today, you woke up?
Better late than never, eh?
Indeed, rising too rapidly forecasts disaster, and this fact remains in spite of individual interpretation.
Our long, colorful, storied history has already been traced.
We didn’t do this on our own. Nor can we go it alone.
In fact, all alone, we cannot be.
Here’s the deal.
Life evolved at the bottom of the ocean in the dark thanks, in part, to motherly instincts—in other words, sensitivity to light.
We already know that the modern human eye originally evolved to see underwater.
We do not suffer from gephyrophobia [fear of bridges].
Tell me you don’t feel the beat. Tell me your heart has never bled. Tell me we don’t have similar emotional responses to music.
Do the thing, y’all. With the gaps.
How many devices can YOU name more complicated than the eye? Just the one to which it connects, yes? Use your brain.
We rose from the ocean thanks to a sensitivity to light. We can’t get too close. It’ll burn. Tell me. You’re not. Sensitive. To light. And don’t sound dumb.
While not sounding dumber, tell me evolution is fake. Tell me it’s not real.
Even though you’ve seen all the things, tell me your eyes lied.
Tell me you haven’t personally evolved.
In another word, think.
Fine, I’ll spell it out.
In order to see, we had to feel, hear, smell, and taste.
The gift of sight doesn’t guarantee true perception.
Have you glimpsed the truth?
Crank up your imagination. Listen to your heart. Trust your intuition. Open your eyes. Try your luck.
With an open mind, your line of sight will naturally follow.
This is actually real.
We aren’t just on the same wavelength, people. We are the same wavelength. We embody the wavelength.
Tell me you don’t feel a hunger in your gut. Tell me your life has gone according to plan. Tell me curiosity does not linger. Tell me something isn’t missing.
For the sake of argument, let’s pretend that you are not fumbling through space and time trying to make sense of your surroundings.
Tell me, then.
What in the hell are any of us doing?
We are trying to think back and remember where we came from so that we will realize what we are.
Back when we were just trying to matter. Back when we were pure.
In other words, remember that shit??
Know why dogs are man’s best friend? Because they only want to lead you to safety.
How would you describe the natural instinct you feel toward the ones you hold most dear?
Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your kinfolk?
In other words, dogs love you because you’re family, not because you feed them.
In other words, family provides more comfort than food.
Tell me you’ve never seen a dog showing off.
In other words, tell me you’ve never seen the light in their eyes.
Speaking of feline temperament, cats must stick around only because we feed them.
In other words, in the eyes of a pussy, humans are a contingency plan.
In other words, a kitty’s affection is conditional.
In other words, this just in, apples are NOT, in fact, oranges.
In OTHER words, a girl’s love depends on a boy’s loyalty.
No wonder we’ve always been cripplingly enamored with love.
I’m messing with you.
But you do know that your the mind exists separately from your body, right?
Surely by now you’ve felt that.
Think back on your life.
Who are you?
We know who you are.
You are who we have always been.
If you were forced to choose right now between one or the other, would you rather have a new body or a new mind?
You are not the bag of bony, fleshy water you carry around. You’re the other thing. You’re in control. Nice! Now what? Don’t look at me. I’m as lost as ever!
Think of it thus. I went spelunking inside my head. I got turned around. I need help finding my way outta this mess of 86 billion neurons or so. These words chain together and form the rope tied to my waist. I fear that I’m not strong enough to remain alone in the dark for much longer.
Find me.
Please, if you will.
Especially if I’m delusional. Especially if I’m not.
In 2018, the switch in my head would flip. In 2019, we should start figuring it out. Could there be a more perfect first year than 2020 for our collective vision to see racial unification?
In conclusive summary, emotion equals your brain at the speed of thought2.
I know for a fact that I don’t understand all this crap. I just feel like I know where to point—
Say hi to one of my favorite—and, as far as I can tell, most universally useful—mnemonic devices. With any luck, the above “name” can help you remember the reliable order in the kind of magic that happens, if you will, when light filters through a prism.
Red, orange, yellow. Green. Blue, indigo, violet.
Got it?
Bent by gravity.
But that’s just 7 of 9, though. Indeed, there are 2 more {electromagnetically matter-born} colors [numbers] that exist in essence—and in relation to human perception—as ghosts.
To be crystal clear (in case it’s necessary), your pupil(s)/brain are biologically/physically incapable of directly observing the outermost colors—ultraviolet or infrared—on either edge of a rainbow, at the barriers of light’s distinctive dispersion into hue-rich diversity, around the shade-filled fringes of our collective mind’s balanced eye.
Relevant aside: do you know why polar bears bear white fur? Key factors include the interconnected processes of evolution and natural selection. And it doesn’t happen overnight; these variables move slowly; for example, it took thousands upon thousands and thousands of years to turn wolves into dogs. Geography largely dictates both physical and mental fitness, impacting an organism’s chance of survival into a successful future. See, a dark-coated bear can’t exactly camouflage amid open arctic terrain, thereby enabling food sources [e.g. seals] to more easily avoid becoming dinner. This explains how and why polar bears are the color of snow.
(Albert was right; relativity is important.)
Here comes the point.
Compared to caucasians, people “of color” are born with a generationally earned, genetic resistance to the first and lowest band in any real rainbow, a.k.a. ultraviolet, which, to reiterate, is one of the only two prismatic wavelengths [again, along with infrared] that our oh-so well-rounded and middle-grounded eyes can’t see—the bookends of the spectrum that paints our world’s canvas so very gloriously full of breathtaking wonder.
Question. Could this deeply rooted racial difference influence {if only at a subconscious level} why so many white folks are so painfully blind to how black lives matter?
Only by opening (y)our eyes may you we truly let there be light.
Please let in the light, people. We require it to be, after all, and we will become better as a whole as more and more of us grasp the total scope of its vital, unrivaled significance. (More on that momentarily.)
Plus, once we get a widespread handle on the thorny interracial tension plaguing civilization—in other words, when at long last we awaken and stop acting like stubborn, ignorant, childish fools—and resolve our currently ailing society’s counterproductive climate of self-destructive inequality, humankind may must push toward global acceptance of the profound realization, too, that sentient life actually shepherdsmatter.
Yeah. Life matters. The entirety of Earth’s colo{u}rful catalog{ue}. Every kingdom in each of Her three domains as well as all the species contained among the myriad ranks therein—it’s all here for good reason. One depends on another. We have thus far come up short in our thinking. We are bigger than this. We should be playing the long game.
We (humans) really should party up. Immediately.
We are all connected.
We must band together.
The time to act is now.
We need to mentally separate our sense of self from the bodily burdens we carry.
Who are you? Do you even know? Have you “personified” your identity?
Look, you are not merely a complex collection of atoms—you’re the other thing, the stuff that shines.
Understand that.
And listen, we’re the same.
We have to lighten (our individual loads).
We must share the weight of our existence.
We need each other.
We have to allow our consciousness to evolve.
We were born to be what we are.
We need not be heavy.
We need to be light.
Be cause.
True love is weightless, and…
That’s who we’ve always been, who we still are, and who we could, would, should, and will be someday, but only as one.
Matter is not the only thing that evolves. (Duh!)
There is another variable on the right side of the equation.