In Reality

There’s a particularly nasty branch on the road of prehuman evolution about which almost nobody (living) knows. This experimental site [blog] takes unlikely aim at clearing up the mounting mountain of domesticated confusion that divides people across the globe and threatens human existence leading up to the one chance we may have at achieving true enlightenment in time to avert the most naturally tragic disaster in the history of (space)time.

Breakthroughs in thought await anybody whose cranium houses a brain capable of puncturing the most challenging barriers ever imagined by a the mind. The incredible work completed by the most celebrated geniuses in human history converges here and now. I haven’t run the numbers on this or anything, but I’m fairly certain that the ultimate eurekas truly couldn’t be more beautifully obvious.

Try to imagine yourself among the ancient primates who modernized humans by learning how to walk and talk, creating a language, being the literal god who figured out how to create and wrangle fire, discovering the process of agriculture, realizing that the earth isn’t flat {nor the center of the universe}, wrapping your head around gravity, electricity, “black holes,” or the theory of relativity—massive game-changers, to understate the summed significance of all that legwork.

The past collection of inherited intelligence all leads to where this is headed, and what’s coming is bigger than all of it {combined}. Much bigger. As unlikely as this might seem at the beginning [of your metamorphosis], the breakthrough(s) forecast(ed) herein shall become most assuredly, in actual fact, the undisputed pinnacle of sentient achievement [unless we get slaughtered/enslaved/farmed by the ice-devils you will initially assume to be “make-believe”].

Still, no one being can steal all the thunder [nor would does one aspire to such a ridiculous goal]. From micro to macro, you’ll be led toward puzzles that squirm in a particularly attractive fashion while problems will arise when issues materialize, so on and so forth, all itching for {ab}solution(s), knowing fully well that answers must lead to new questions. Look forward to that shit! Untangle your thoughts [wants] from your feelings [needs]. Fear is a (necessary) emotion that inspires courage. Growth, patterns, and cycles continue either way. Going with the flow generally feels better than trudging against the grain. In other words, there will never be a shortage of new frontiers beckoning for (our concerted) exploration. We’re going places, folks. Since math has demonstrated that balanced numbers build strength, we best travel together.

Welcome aboard. Your time has come. Consider yourself mentally cocooned while wrapping yourself {willingly} in a metaphorical chrysalis that (em)powers emotional separation from physical matters. Start becoming who you are. Solve yourself, share our weight, serve the wealth. Put another way more simply, save the world.